It is full of rising moments. Faces and hearts are enlighted. Slogans and speeches of leaders and members of parliament are echoing and vibrating still.Flags of AIRRBEA are airing the message, "Here are the true warriors for the Rural India!"
Comrades of different Gramin Banks and differents parts of nation gather under the banner of All India regional Rural Bank Employees at V.P.House on 26.4.2012 and demand Pension, NRBI, Regularisation of temporary employees, withdrawal of HR policy and inclusion of representatives of workmen and officers in the Board of directors of Gramin banks.
Nearly 20 MPs of various parties have shared the dias and supported our cause. They declare that they are with us. They assure us that they will raise the issues in the floor of parliament.
Com.Mukherjee (GS, AIRRBEA) detailed the latest postion and our efforts in his speech. He explains how we are forwarding with the voice of pension. He points out who betrays us. He stimulates the fighting spirit. Com.Venkateshwar Reddy (GS, NFRRBO) delivers the pride of AIRRBEA with a firing touch. "AIRRBEA - Zindabad!", "AIRRBEA - Long live!"
On the same day, in an adjacent hall, Seminar on National Rural Bank of India is arranged. Com.Prabath Patnaick, the well known economist shares his wiews on rural economy in the context of the globalisation and insists the role of gramin banks to be strengthened. His speech is a guiding one for all.
This demonstration and Seminar make the day and our future bright. We come closer to success of our demands and our unity will definitely get the good things done very soon. Yes, it is anoher historical day of AIRRBEA.
March on... March on..
Victory ours, march on....
Here are some photos...!!
Our GS, Com.Mukherjee delivers....
Com.Venkateshwar reddy, GS, NFRRBO fires...
Sri.Viswanath, congress MP from Karnataka supports....
Com.Sampath, CPM MP from Kerala supports...
More MPs share the dias...
Our beloved leader and CPM - MP com.Basudev Acharya....
Dalits leader Sri.Thol Thirumavalavan, Tamilnadu MP supports....
The entire proceedings of demonstration is in action here...
The contents under the heading "AIRRBEA : Delhi Demonstration & Seminar on 26.04.2012" made very interesting reading. The photographs were excellent which shows the strength of AIRRBEA in general & the clout of DADA ji in particular. thank you for the indepth information-From: KULKARNI.U.A-Visveshvaraya Grameena Bank Officers Union,MANDYA-Karnataka.