
Notice for Strike at the call of U.F.B.U on 7th July, 2011

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF RRB EMPLOYEES( Workman wing of AIRRBEA ) Central Office Golders Green, F.G. Block, 1, V.I.P. Road, Kaikhali, Kolkata 700052 PH-03325734176 Rajeewan C
OFFICE: 821,SITA KUND ,CIVIL LINES SULTAN PUR(U.P)228001 PHONE/FAX 05362-241162 MOB09984767696

To The Chairman All RRBs
Sub:- Notice for Strike at the call of U.F.B.U on 7th July, 2011

We like to inform you that under instruction to our confederation i.e. All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association we have decided to join the nation wide strike; called by the United forum of Bank Employees Unionsie UFBEU in the banks on 7th July, 2011 on the issues given bellow. We fully support the issues raised by U.F.B.U. It should also be noted that no separate notice will be issued by our affiliated units. Please treat this as a notice under ID Act 1947.
Issues raised by UFBU for the strike on 7th July, 2011
1. Do not privatize Public Sector Banks.
2. Do not reduce Governments equity in Public Sector Banks.
3. Do not avail World Bank Loan to capitalize Public Sector Banks.
4. Do not proceed with merger of Banks including the Associate Banks with SBI.
5. Do not allow unrestricted entry of foreign capital in banking sector.
6. Do not delete Section 12(2) of Banking Regulations Act.
7. Do not remove the ceiling on voting rights of foreign investors.
8. Do not issue licence to industrial houses to start their own Banks.
9. Do not outsource permanent banking jobs and normal banking services.
10. Do not proceed with the scheme of private business correspondents.
11. Do not violate provisions of Bipartite Settlement on outsourcing.
12. Provide adequate staff in Banks through recruitments to maintain and improve customer services.
13. Revive BSRBs for recruitment of staff in Public Sector Banks.
14. Implement the compassionate appointment /financial compensation scheme as finalized between IBA & U.F.BU.
15. Issue revised uniform guidelines on house building loan, vehicle loan and festival advance to bank staff.
16. Implement 5 day banking.
17. Regulate and define working hours of bank officers.
18. Improve Pension Scheme in banking sector on the lines of Central Government Scheme - updation of Pension along with wage revision of in service employees, uniform D.A. neutralization, improvement in commutation, Family Pension, Ex-Gratia of pre 1986 retirees, etc.
19. Withdrawal of Governments arbitrary instructions to Banks not to improve/amend any service condition without their permission.
20. Scrap Khandelwal Committee Recommendations.
This may kindly be treated as Formal Notice under I.D. Act on behalf of all the units affiliated to us through our National Federations and no separate notice will be submitted by them.
Yours faithfully

Shiv Karan Dwivedi
General Secretary