நமது அகில இந்திய சங்கத்தின் பொதுச்செயலாளர் தோழர்.திலிப்குமார் முகர்ஜி இந்த ஜூல 18, 19 தேதிகளில் மும்பை சென்று நபார்டின் உயரதிகாரிகள் 1)Shri Mahendra Kumar, Chief General Manager (IDD), 2) Shri Benu Gopal Mukhopadhaya, General Manager (IDD), 3) Shri S.I. Jain, Deputy General Manager (IDD) ஆகியோரை சந்தித்து கிராமவங்கி ஊழியர்கள்/அலுவலர்களின் பிரச்சினைகள் குறித்து பேசியிருக்கிறார். பேசப்பட்டவிஷயங்களும், விபரங்களும்.
* Parity of Pension:- NABARD has no latest information from G.O.I. NABARD is not willing to join the appeal before Division Bench, Karnataka High Court on pension case though there is a continuous pressure from G.O.I.
* Parity of Allowances and Benefits/Computer Increment :- NABARD has been advised by G.O.I to arrange a meeting with the representatives of Sponsor Banks and Apex Associations to consider all such issues.
* Eligibility criteria of the workman of the RRBs for promotion.
* Common Written Examination by I.B.P.S. State wise panel for RRB staff recruitment.
* One time Promotion to the Staff in the same cadre working for more than 20 years.
* Representation of Workman & Officer in the Board of Management of RRB. (Our letter No. 322 dt. 29.05.2011 addressed to E.D, NABARD)
* Special leave to Association Leaders. NABARD has sent their views to G.O.I as desired by them and G.O.I is supposed to take final decision .
* Regularization/Conversion of Part-time to regular fulltime Office Attendant/ Recruitment in the vacancies of Office Attendant. NABARD is considering all legal angles for considering all such proposals, as and when proposed by the Sponsor Banks or RRB.
* Advance Provision for wage revision. This is to be considered by R.B.I.
* Amendment of Service Rules on Gratuity of Officers in RRBs. NABARD has sent their views to G.O.I as per decision of J.C.C meeting.
* Capital Support to RRBs and Financial Support for C.B.S as sanctioned by NABARD. NABARD has been consistently pursuing the matter with respective agencies but the result is very slow.