
AIRRBEA agenda Notes for JCC meeting on 24.09.2014

இன்று மும்பையில் நமது AIIRBEA தலைவர்கள் கிராம வங்கி ஊழியர்கள் மற்றும் அலுவலர்கள் பிரச்சினை குறித்து, Joint Consultative Committeeயுடன் பேசுகிறார்கள். அப்போது அவர்கள் முன் வைத்துப் பேச இருக்கும் விஷயங்களை இங்கு தருகிறோம். கிராம வங்கி ஊழியர்கள் மற்றும் அலுவலர்கள் பிரச்சினைகளில் எவ்வளவு அக்கறையும், தெளிவும் நமது AIRRBEAவுக்கு இருக்கிறது என்பதை இந்த அஜெண்டாவே சொல்லும்!

1. Though the matter of 'Pension Parity' sub-judice and pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, it may be noted that the issue can be settled by withdrawal of the SLP by the DFS, MOF, GOI in view of the fact that Hon’ble Finance Minister approved, long back on 20-06-2012 ‘in principle’ Parity of Pension in line with the scheme implemented in Banking Industry in terms of settlement dated 29-10-1993.

2. Continuing the scheme for appointments on compassionate grounds in RRBs as being done in case of other commercial banks – GOI order dated 07-08-2014 to IBA.

3. Office Assistants and Office Attendants who have completed 20 years of service in the same cadre should be promoted to next higher cadre as one time measure. Graduate messenger should be allowed automatic promotion to Clerical Cadre as done in Sponsor Banks.

4.  Messenger/sweepers working on daily wages/casual for long period may be regularized by absorbing against the vacancies of Office Attendant.

5. Sanction of Computer Increment to RRB staff.

6. Graduation Increment to Office Assistant (Multipurpose) - Same norm should be followed as in case of commercial banks.

7. Posts in RRBs – In terms of NIT Award and the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, posts in RRBs should be at the comparable level with that of Sponsor Bank. Hence the posts of Office Assistant (M) and Office Attendant (M) should be changed accordingly.

8. Accommodation facility and payment of Special allowance to RRB staff in remote and difficult areas.

9. Gratuity is  being calculated on the basis of Basic Pay and  DA only. But it should be calculated on the basis of Basic Pay, DA and other Allowances.

10.Grant of Special Leave to office bearers of Trade Unions to attend Trade Union works at par with practice in Banking Industry.

11. Workers participation in management – appointment of Workmen / Officer Directors in the Board of Directors in RRB.

12.  Air Travel facilities for Scale I officers while availing LFC - This should be allowed as done in case of sponsor banks/Banking Industry.

13. Staff Welfare Scheme in line with Sponsor Banks.

14. Posting of Senior Scale IV officers of RRBs as GM in case of small RRBs. In bigger RRB, Scale V/VI officers may be posted taking them from other RRBs on deputation. Posts up to Scale VI should be allowed to be filled up by promotion on the ground that branches in many RRBs have reached the business level of Scale V. This requires provision of GM of minimum level of Scale V, and Chairman of minimum level of VI.

15. Leave Encashment to the employee/officer who resigns from the service after completion 20 years of service – It should be allowed as per norms in Banking Industry.

16. Introduction of in cadre promotion i.e. senior/special assistant and Head Messenger etc. Determination of minimum qualifying marks in all written and interviews for promotional examinations may be relaxed.

17. RRB Staff Service Regulation, Recruitment cum Promotion Rules at par with Sponsor Bank. This will minimize the disputes and hazards of interpretation etc.

18. Ex – Serviceman – Service Seniority for Promotion should be allowed at par with Sponsor Bank norms.

19. All staff loans to be at par with Sponsor Bank.

20. Continuity of service to those who joins higher post in same bank - This should be allowed to render natural justice to the employees as there is a very limited scope of promotion.

21. Transfer of female employees minimizing their hardship – GOI order dated 08-08-2014 addressed to PSBs/SBI/IDBIs may please be implemented in RRBs.

22. Minor Penalty charge sheets – keeping promotion held up – fixing of time to conclude the proceedings.

23. Sabbatical leave and leave for Hysterectomy to women employees on par with commercial banks.

24. Adhering to the objectives and strength of RRB structure, the recruitments as far as possible must be from the same area of operation and it must be from the same district particularly for the clerical and sub staff cadre.

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