
AIRRBEA - Letter to F.M

All India Regional Rural Bank Kaikhali, F.G. Block
Employees Association Kolkata 52, West Bengal

Do. Letter No. - 277 Date- 15.06.2011

Shri Pranab Mukherjee
Honble Finance Minister,
Govt. of India,
New Delhi

Respected Sir,

For the last two years & a half, we have been standing before you, Sir, for the parity of pension. You were kind enough to extend your silent assurance and positive directions.

Now we are at the final stage awaiting for your policy declaration. The entire Finance Ministry has helped us much and now, we think, that the Pension Scheme at par with P.S.B, is ready for formal announcement.

We need your kind declaration by this month of June, 2011.

With warm regards
Yours faithfully

Dilip Kumar Mukherjee
Secretary General, AIRRBEA