Com.Sayed Khan - Secretary General, AIRRBEA
A team of AIRRBEA leaders comprising of Com A. Sayeed Khan, Com S. Venkateswar Reddy, Com Shiv Karan Dwivedi, Com V.K. Bannigol and Com S.M. Joshi, visited Mumbai to meet High officials of RBI, NABARD and Sponsor Banks on 13th and 14th June 2013 to pursue mainly our all India issues.
On 13th we met Smt. Bina Abdul Rahman DGM, RPCD and discussed. We raised the issue of Branch expansion of RRBs and the need for recruitment/promotion, and need of long term man power policy. Other issues discussed are financial inclusion, adjustment of accumulated losses from share capital deposits as recommended by Chakravarty Committee, amalgamation of RRBs to form State Level Banks, autonomy of RRB boards and regularization of temporary daily wage employees engaged on casual basis. We also opposed the recent steps of the GOI to amend the provisions of RRBs Act, 1976 to allow ownership participation of corporate and private sector. Smt. Sharma gave us patient hearing and expressed her keen interest in the valuable services rendered by the RRBs, and she assured the delegation to do the needful, and whatever is possible to take into consideration our issues raised before the RBI.
On 14th we met following executive & officials at NABARD, Head Office.
1. Dr Prakash Bakshi, Chairman
2. Sri M. V. Ashok, CGM, IDD
3. Sri J.N.Prasad, GM, IDD
4. Sri A. Rama Krishna, DGM, IDD
Apart from the issues raised before RBI, we discussed with the CGM and the GM regarding fixation of Inter se seniority of employees and officers on amalgamation in the second phase, and payment of allowances and benefits in the amalgamated RRBs as per decision taken by the GOI. We requested to issue clarification again on effecting recruitment and promotions in RRBs to meet the business growth as per the Thorat Committee norms, as the S.K. Mitra Committee norm is yet to be finalized and implemented. It was informed to us that issue of seniority after second phase of amalgamation has been finalized in a meeting held on 12th instant and the same has already been sent to GOI for approval. It was also informed to us that Mitra Committee report is under final stage and may be effective very shortly, within a month or so, till then the Thorat Committee norm is applicable and RRB Board is the Authority in this regard.
We have demanded for convening JCC meeting which did not take place during last two years and more, and also to follow up with GOI on the previous recommendations of the JCC lying pending for such a long time.
Dr. Praksah Bakshi, Chairman, Nabard observed that amalgamation resulted in bigger size of the RRBs – though some are still very small as in case of some of them in North Eastern States and some are big enough now comparable to some of the Commercial Banks. While discussing our issues relating to RRBs as an Institution, already taken up by us with the IDD (CGM & GM), Dr. Bakshi pointed out that out of 14 crore farmers in the country, only 6 crore of them are getting bank credit. The contribution of RRBs and co operatives together is still around 25%, rest being shared by commercial banks. Here he stressed for more active role of RRBs, both from Management and the Unions, and he supported all our issues concerning development of RRBs and demands of employees, and assured the delegation to do the needful as discussed with his kindself.
i m eagerly waiting for judgement on pension parity to RRBS